

THIS is not an organization, it is a project

OUR GOAL IS TO CREATE jobs IN PADER UGANDA through a diverse set of income-generating activities owned and operated by the community

we are starting with bread and wheat production


Atim Ki Koma means...

"Let me do it myself" in Luo, the local language in Pader District, Uganda.


Pader is located in Northern Uganda and is without one of the major piece of infrastructure--roads. As a result, Pader pays more for goods that are transported to its villages, in an area that is largely still recovering from the devastation brought by the LRA war. (Click here for more information.

By producing locally, Pader can stop paying for more certain goods like bread, which are delivered from hours out of town.

Simultaneously, the country of Uganda is paying high import taxes for wheat, which comes from the USA and France. But in Pader, they can grow anything, especially with the help from local agricultural support agencies.

Thus, let us help Pader grow wheat, bake bread and make some dough.


Currently, Stacey Nelson (our trusty American friend) is meeting with the local community, local governments and local organizations to begin a variety of income generating projects, starting with the bakery and a wheat production project. 

Our aim is for the people of Pader to not only generate income, but to break in to local markets and push out companies that import goods into Pader for sale, like bread. 

By creating a local, sustainable, income-generating project, Pader may be able to distance itself further from the war that ravaged the area for more than three decades and create sustainable livelihoods.

FAQ, we love questions


what war? What's the LRA?

- Watch our video here, or, if you prefer to read I am about to take a deep breath and explain. In 1987, the Lord's Resistance Army led by Joseph Kony tried to revolt against the Ugandan government. He failed. His violence turned toward his own people. Children, specifically. The rebel militia murdered families in front of each other, raped women, burned towns. Things hard to imagine and harder to talk about. The LRA war is the longest-running conflict in Africa which took place in Pader's backyard. The community is still recovering to this day. 

How much of my money goes to Uganda?

- We're so glad you asked, we track it constantly and 98% of each dollar goes directly to Pader District. The other 2% goes to international accounting fees, keeping our website live, and marketing. Every Board member is a volunteer.

Where is Pader?

Northern Uganda, right here:



is violence on-going?

- No, the people of Pader are overcoming war with unity, their community is peaceful. Stacey once drove through Joseph Kony's District in 2011 and asked how he would be received by them, the answer? "We would forgive him." 

Can the community members afford a loaf of bread? 

 - Most. And even more families will be fed once the nearest bread factory isn't a two-hour, 80 mile trip on muddy unkempt backroads.

How Can I get involved without donating dough? (Pun intended) 

 - You can be a champion for Bake for Peace. An ambassador. A pitch(wo)man. Take the time to educate yourself on who we are, what we're doing, and how. Then talk to everyone you know about it. Just have confidence in us and be excited to tell your friends. Sharing our campaign and cause on social media works wonders, let's make Bake for Peace go viral.